Homer B. Hulbert
Born in New Haven, Vermont in 1863
Attended Middlebury High School, St Johnsbury
Academy, Dartmouth (1884) and Union Theological Seminary (2 years) before
leaving for Korea in 1886
Father – Protestant Minister, President of
Middlebury College
Mother – Great grand-daughter of the founder of
Family spirit – Christianity/Puritanism
Family precept: “Character is more fundamental
than victory”
Character: adventurous; passionate; liked reading,
music, tennis
Korea – U.S.
Encounter in the 19th Century (background information)
1866 (Jun) – The U.S. ship ‘Surprise’ wrecked
and landed at SeonCheonPo, PyongAnNamDo, and returned safely
1866 (Aug) – The U.S. ship ‘General Sherman’
anchored at DaeDongGang, PyongYang, and demanded the opening of Korea. The ship
was burned and sunk; all on board were killed
1866 (Dec) - Adminiral Shufeldt dispatched to
investigate the ‘General Sherman’ case
1875 (Jun) - U.S. navy warship anchored off
GangHwaDo to retaliate, and again demanded the opening of Korea. Hundreds of
Koreans were killed vs. 1 U.S. soldier
1880 - U.S. dispatched Admiral Shufeldt to
negotiate with the Korean gov’t for diplomatic ties
1882 (May 22) - ‘Treaty between U.S. and Korea’
signed at JeMulPo (Incheon), credited to Admiral Shufeldt, Chester Arthur and
21st U.S. President
1883 (May)- Lucius Foote, U.S. Minister to legation in
Seoul, arrived in Korea
1884 - The delegation returned and recommended modern
schools/education; King GoJong approved
1885 - First protestant missionaries arrived
(Underwood, Appenzeller)
(Royal College) was opened
1st Korea - U.S. enlightenment project was
conceptualized, and so 3 teachers were to be brought from the U.S. for creating
the American style school
U.S. education commissioner contacted Hulbert’s
father, and Hulbert volunteered to go to Korea, but he had to wait for 2 years
Hulbert arrived at JeMulPo (Incheon) on July 4,
The YukYoungGongWon (Royal College) was established
in Sept 1886 with 35 elite students
Hulbert’s first 5
years (1886-1891) in Korea
Devoted to teaching and studying Korean/Korea
Fascinated by Korean history/cultural heritage
Mastered Korean (could write and read in 4 days)
Published ‘SaMinPilJi’ (Knowledge Necessary to
All), first textbook in Korean in 1890, which is currently being registered as
a Korean National Treasure
Laid the foundation for western-style school
under GoJong’s strong patronage
Built trust with GoJong
Speaker Mr. DongJin Kim, holding a copy of Hulbert's 사민필지 (Knowledge Necessary to All),
which is now being registered as one of Korea's National Treasures |
Returned to America,
then back to Korea
1891 – Contract terminated
1892 – Back to America via Europe
1892 Principal of Putnam Military School,
Zanesville, Ohio
1893 – Returned to Korea as a Methodist
Missionary to take charge of the ‘Trilingual Press’ and Baldwin (DongDaeNum)
Pioneer of Modern
1897-1900 – Principal, HanSeong Teacher’s
College and Educational Advisor to the Korean Gov’t
1900-1905 – Instructor, National Middle School
(currently GyeongGi High School)
Introduction of American-style education system
Establishment of textbook system with his own
self-created textbook series ‘ChoHakJiJi”
Instilled Koreans with the importance of
education “Education is only means for civilization and to win against Japan”
Mrs. Hulbert, principal of foreign school and
taught at Ehwa
His 5 Children – all born in Seoul: Helen (1891), Madeleine (1894), Sheldon
(1895), William (1897), and Leonard (1901)
Hulbert, the Advocate
of Korean Alphabet
He made the first Korean textbook
He wrote the first thesis on HanGeul (Korean
Alphabet), Jan 1892
He was the first founder of the excellence of
HanGeul as the most scientific language with its simplicity and phonetic power.
Compared with 200 letters [sic] and concluded to be “certainly one of the
finest alphabets in existence.” Contributed numerous theses on the excellence
of Hangeul to international papers.
Strong campaign for usage of HanGeul in Korea. “HanGeul
must bring emancipation from illiteracy in Korea.”
Linguist who studied spoken Korea. Contributed
to Annual Report of Smithsonian Institution in 1903 with conclusion of “Korean
surpasses English as a medium for public speaking.”
True Missionary
Mediator between Methodists and Presbyterians as
a friend of Underwood and Appenzeller
Assisted with the baptismal service for first
converts to Protestantism (1887)
Established NoRyungJin Church (1906)
Chairman of and on the Founding Committee of the
YMCA (1903)
Supported the poor and sufferers and spoke about
true Christianity, “If missionaries wished to remain in Korea to teach
Christianity, what then was Christianity to teach.”
Musician / Journalist
/ Writer
Made up musical notes of Arirang in 1896, the
first paper-written music of Korean music, because as he put it, “Arirang
equals rice to Koreans.”
Co-editor of Korean Repository
Founder and editor of Korea Review
Editor of English version of “The Independent”,
the first newspaper in Korean
Writer of “Search for Siberian Klondike” (1903),
“Sign of the Jumna” (1903). “The Face in the Mist” (1926), “Omjee the Wizard”
(1927), and “The Mummy Bride”
Wrote “The History of Korea” (1905), the first
comprehensive Korean history book
Wrote “The Passing of Korea” (1906), which is
supposedly about all things related to Korea
Introduced Korean history, traditions, cultural
heritage, etc via international media
Challenged on his distortion of Korean history
in William Griffis (1843-1928) book “Hermit Nation”
Thought the translation of 朝鮮
should have been ‘morning radiance’ or ‘radiant morning’ instead of the rather
incorrect but commonly accepted translation of ‘morning calm’
Believed that DaeMaDo (to the Japanese,
Tsushima) was Korean soil and had been a dependency of Silla
Hidden Hero of Korean
Was part of the foreigner night watch for King
GoJong in 1895 after assassination of Queen Min
Denunciated Japan for colonization attempts via
the Korea Review and international papers
Was a special envoy of the King KoJong to
Theodore Roosevelt in 1905, and gave strong criticism concerning the U.S.
policy in the Far East
Received a telegram from GoJong who said, “I did
not sign the protectorate treaty with Japan.”
Special envoy to 9 treaty countries for Hague
peace conference in 1907. Addressed in Peace Club in Hague, criticizing Japan
Ousted from Korea by Japan … so arrived back in
New York in 1907
Rise for Justice
Hulbert could not stand the Japanese distortion and
oppression. He resisted the Japanese almost to death to help the Japanese
(1904-1907) [sic]
Koreans sold their property to Hulbert for a
penny in order to keep property from being taken by the Japanese. Hulbert
returned the property on request.
Japanese minister took a stone pagoda, one of
Korea’s national treasures, to Japan (1907) and Hulbert demanded the return of
the pagoda
Unwavering Fight for
Korean Sovereignty
Settled in Springfield and fought for Korea via
the media
Lectured on Korea in U.S. like Chautauqua
Circuit [sic], calling for Korean independence
Supported Korean delegation for peace conference
in Paris in 1919
Filed a statement on brutality with the U.S.
Senate in 1919
Continued working for Korean independence together
with Syngman Rhee and Phillip Jaisohn until 1945
Emperor’s Deposit
Emperor KoJong deposited $200,000 at Deutsche
Asiatic Bank in 1903
Delegated Hulbert to withdraw the money from
Deutsche in 1909. Dreamed of assisting independent patriots and Korean slaves
in Ukatan, Mexico
Deutsche returned money to Japan via German
legation in Seoul in 1908without Emperor Kojong knowing
U.S. Ambassador to Germany confirmed Deutsche
gave money to Japan (1923)
Signed with Kimberland for recovery of money …
without success
Hulbert, providing evidence, left a statement to
Syngman Rhee, first Korean president, to demand and recover the money
[the presenter Mr. DongJin Kim is now trying to
secure that money from Japan]
Return to Korea after
40 yaers (1949)
Invited by President Rhee for The Liberation Day
(Aug 15th) celebrations
Made the statement, “I would rather be buried in
Korea than in Westminster Abbey”
Arrival in Incheon on July 29th, but
passed away on Aug 5th, before the liberation ceremonies but getting
his burial wish. He was given a National Funeral Service (SaHoiJang) and buried
in YangHwaJin Foreign Cemetery, HapJeongDong, MaPoPu, Seoul
Posthumously he was awarded the TaeGeukJang
(Country Foundation Medal), Mar 1, 1950, the first foreign (and probably the
only) to ever receive the honor
How Some Koreans
Viewed Dr. Hulbert
“Most reliable person” – Emperor GoJong
“True friend of Korea with intelligence and
character” – Syngman Rhee
“If you are a Korean, you should not forget his
contribution to Korea even for a day.” – Ahn JungGeun (1909)
“Best icon of human character from educational
standpoint.” – KiSeok Kim, Seoul National University
“If General MacArthur saved Korea from
communism, Dr. Hulbert put JoSeon (Korea) on the list of civilized races.” –
HyunBok Lee, Seoul National University
“The most respected preceptor of Koreans.” –
Joag Taek Kim, Charman of HanGeul [Korean Alphabet] Association
The Hulbert Memorial
Established in 1999
To research Dr. Hulbert’s footprints
To appreciate Dr. Hulbert for his contributions
to Korea
To preserve and follow Dr. Hulbert’s spirits
(justice, peace, humanity, right patriotism)
To make Dr. Hulbert’s life a role model for the
To record Dr. Hulbert’s accomplishments properly
in Korean history
In Korea, Book of the Month, August 2010 |
The presentation was a close-up of Homer Hulbert’s life and
contributions in Korea. The man evidently gave a lot of himself to fight not
only for education but also for personal freedom and self-advancement in his
surrogate country. Mr. DongJin Kim, the presenter, has obviously done a
considerable amount of research on Homer Hulbert, but then he would have to as
DongJin Kim is the founder and the chairman of the Hulbert Memorial Society.
A note of criticism, however, about the portrayal of Hulbert
in Korea. According to the researcher Mr. Kim, Hulbert comes across as unflawed
and have an impossibly impeccable education and political career in Korea. For
instance, Mr. Kim could not or did not answer the question why Hulbert had to
leave Korea after his initial five years of education service was up. ‘Visa was
expiring’ doesn’t jive. Many, many people stayed years and years in Korea so
why would Hulbert not be extended likewise. Also, there were really flexible
rules about visas at that time, especially if Hulbert had his links with the Emperor
as was told.
Korean scholars, according to a contact who had just come
from a discussion in Korean on Mr. Kim’s stance on Hulbert, think Mr. DongJin
Kim bases a lot of his research on the hypothetical, rather than solid research
data, and that DongJin Kim is too emotionally involved in his research to
realize his educational dissonance. I have to admit I was impressed with
DongJin’s research until he started talking about how Koreans MUST study about
Hulbert and North Koreans too MUST acknowledge that Hulbert was an important
personage in the educational development of Korea. Mr. DongJin Kim spoke of a
trip about 3-4 years ago when it was easier to get into North Korea. On his
trip he had spoken to North Korean officials about Hulbert, provided them with
data about Hulbert’s historical contributions and that he would be waiting to
hear from them. North Korea closed the next year and he still hasn’t heard …
but I thought, “Wow, trying to force recognition of an American on the North
Koreans, who refer to Americans nonchalantly all the time as “those damned
Americans” and who clearly state that they don’t want either Americans or
missionaries in their country, and Hulbert was both.” I was a bit shocked at
this approach … But as far as the research goes, Mr. DongJin Kim really is
incredibly knowledgeable about Homer Hulbert.