Of course while waiting for the few minutes for the chestnuts to be skinned in the machine and then touched up a bit by the wife, taking samples of puffed wheat rounds that they are likewise selling is perfectly acceptable. In fact, many passing people reach in the basket of freshly puffed wheat rounds as they're walking along on their way to or from home via the back entrance of the apartment complex. They dip their hand in and take a round and keep going, many without even acknowledging the sellers. It's not considered rude, but of course not everyone does it or the sellers wouldn't make a profit. No one takes advantage of the system ... courtesy offered, courtesy returned ... frequently that retuned courtesy is by making purchases at a later date. There is no score keeping.
The couple and I chatter a bit about everything - the weather, the US, food prices, maybe some hot issues in the news, whatever - and they are delighted that I speak some Korean. And because I'm kind of a regular, regular customers get "service" or a little extra bonus. The first couple of times the ajussi used to offer me a few hot wheat rounds while I was waiting, but I declined and explained that I have a wheat allergy. He quickly retracted the rounds and said that that was awful. This reaction has surprised me in the last couple of years. Back in the early 1990s when I first came to Korea, no one had allergies, and restaurant owners didn't make foods with or without special ingredients. In restaurants at that time, if you didn't like their ingredients, fine, no one was forcing you to eat and the attitude was very surly and condemning for wanting to be different than others. Now, suddenly many Koreans have allergies; allergies are talked about a lot, and so now people are understanding of this kind of health problem. And this ajussi was no exception. He commiserated with me, and then ordered his wife to give me a few more chestnuts. And now, my "service" for being a regular customer is an extra handful of chestnuts, and always a happy greeting!
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