Sunday, February 1, 2015

Hanji Fan Lamp

In Insadong, the shopping street marketed for tourism, I saw the most spectacular and breath-taking hanji (Korean traditional paper) fan lamp. It was so exquisitely hand-crafted with the graceful but simplistic curve of the fan. I loved the earth tones of the hanji fan frame and the orange-reds of the two hanji lamps themselves. The shop-seller, who was also the creator of the exquisite piece, spent about 48 hours creating her elegant masterpiece and she was only asking W120,000. The price does not reflect such a time-consuming hand-made project! If my apartment were just a tad bit bigger, she would have sold her eye-catching lamp in a heartbeat. Perhaps some day I will take a hanji class and learn how to make such a piece, and quite nearby is a workshop that teaches hanji craft. Some wonderful day I will get in touch with my underfed muse of creativity again!

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